Sunday, February 21, 2016

Battleground: Tales of My Kitchen Sink

"All the silverware is clean!" I exclaimed. In that moment I felt triumphant, but the battle was not yet won. I narrowed my eyes to the remaining dirty dishwater where leagues of bowls and plates had banded together. Sometime during the week they formed an alliance with the Saucepan Squad and a cookie sheet. It was just me and my sponge that faced this wretched, stinking bunch.
I try to keep my voice steady,"We will overcome these grim odds. No matter what happens, it was an honor to fight beside you." My trusty sponge would not survive this last wave of dishes, and we both knew it. The Silverware had a cartel of cutlery that injured my sponge beyond repair. "FOR GLORY!" In a whirl of water and soap, together my sponge and I scrubbed our way to victory!!!

We won this week's battle, but I know the war on washing dishes is far from over.

We do not own a dishwasher, so we have to do them by hand. Sometimes we keep up on the dishes which keeps the battles less eventful. Sadly, more often than not, we prioritize doing other things rather than taking care of a few dishes. Before long the dishes are piled up in the sink and have overflowed onto the counter. The worst part then occurs, we have no more clean dishes!
When I look at the mess and feel that anger start to grow, I remind myself to be thankful. Perhaps there are others out there who are equally terrible at keeping up with your dishes, so this is dedicated to you. Michael and I try to keep the silly spats to a minimum, usually I am the one who is more prone to get sassy over the dishes. This is the thankful mantra that I go through to keep myself in a sane state.
I am thankful for dishes to have food to put on.
I am thankful to have food to put on or in dishes.
I am thankful for a home with running water.
I am thankful for having the luxury to choose to wash the dishes or do something else in my own home.

By the time I get done saying what I am thankful for I feel better and less concerned about the pile, because its really not that many dishes, and I get to listen to music while I wash and dry. Yes, I do indeed dance at the sink!!! I think there is a study that was done by someone....ah yes, a quote, "In every job that must be done there is an element of fun! You find the fun, and snap! The job's a game."

I hope in whatever tasks you have before you this week you are able to do them with joy and get it done!! Be triumphant my loves.

                                               ~This post is dedicated to the brave Sponge. R.I.P.~

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